Education Brendan Taylor Education Brendan Taylor

‘Tis the season for reading: Christmas-themed book recommendations and educational gifts for students

Reading not only entertains but also enhances vocabulary, imagination, and critical thinking, and the winter holidays offer a perfect opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the world of books, exploring captivating stories while enjoying the festive spirit!

In this blog post, we've put together our recommended Christmas and winter-themed reading lists for year groups 5 to 6th form, and offer our top suggestions for educational toys and games ideal for the student in your life!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Balancing act: Helping your student with homework and knowing when not to

Homework has been a big part of the educational experience for generations. It's a tool used for reinforcing classroom learning, promoting self-discipline, and encouraging independent thinking. However, knowing how and when to help students with homework is a topic that often requires careful consideration.

In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of assisting students with their homework, and look at strategies to do so, while also highlighting when it's crucial to step back and let them tackle it on their own.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Mastering mock exams

How important are mock exams and how should you prepare for them?

Mock exams usually take place for Year 11 and Year 13 students in January, before the real deal later in spring. These practice exams serve as crucial stepping stones toward academic success.

In this blog post, we'll explore more what mock exams are, why they can hold such importance, and how students can effectively prepare for them.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

The importance of communication in education and beyond

Communication is a fundamental skill that transcends the classroom, influencing and empowering every aspect of a young person's life. Whether at school, at home, or in the wider world, effective communication plays a pivotal role in personal growth, educational success, and social development.

In this blog post, we'll explore further the importance of communication for young individuals, highlighting its impact within educational settings, at home, and in the broader context of life, as well as looking at ways to strengthen and improve communication skills.

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Education Brendan Taylor Education Brendan Taylor

The transformative power of feedback

In education, feedback is more than just a comment on an exam paper or a mark on some homework; it's a dynamic process that has the potential to transform students' learning and drive their progress.

Many studies have highlighted the significance of feedback in education, underscoring its pivotal role in fostering students’ growth, enhancing their academic performance, and boosting their self-confidence.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of feedback for students, drawing insights from existing research and exploring the positive impacts it can have on their educational journey.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

What to know about secondary school visits for Year 6 students

Transitioning from primary to secondary school is a milestone moment in a young person's educational journey. To ease this transition and ensure a smooth shift into a new academic environment, many schools and educational institutions in the UK hold secondary school visits for Year 6 students.

In this blog post, we'll cover the purpose and benefits of these visits, as well as what you need to know about the application deadline for secondary schools!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Helping your student choose their GCSEs and A-Levels

Choosing which subjects to study for GCSEs and A-Levels can be a daunting task for many students! But with the right guidance and support from parents and guardians, the process can be made much easier. In this blog, we'll explore some tips on how you can help your children and students make the right subject choices for their GCSE or A-Level subjects or other equivalent qualifications.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Thinking about sitting the 11+ exams?

Here’s what you need to know about the 11+ and how to prepare for it!

If you have a student who is interested in taking the 11+ exam (sometimes referred to as a transfer test), you may be wondering what the exam is all about and how to best prepare your child for it. In this blog, we will provide a brief but detailed overview of the 11+ exam along with some tips for helping you and your child or student to prepare!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

How online tutoring can help you this new school year

As the new school year begins, it’s natural for parents and guardians to be turning their thinking to how they can help their students to achieve their academic goals.

One option that continues to grow in popularity is online tutoring. In this blog, we will explore the many benefits of online tutoring and how our team at EduBridge Tutoring can help your student succeed!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Are exams getting harder?

Concerns about the recent SATs, or Standard Assessment Tests, which reportedly had children all over the country in tears, saw Schools Minister investigating. We wanted to look into the age old question, are SATs exams getting harder?

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

The role of extracurricular activities in your young person's life

In this blog we will explore in more depth the vital role extracurricular activities play in children and teenager's overall development, and some of the many specific benefits of participating in the wide range of extracurricular activities out there for students, before offering some tips for finding the right activities for your student!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

The importance of summer reading (with recommended reading lists!)

For children and adults alike, reading is a lifelong skill, and one that has a profound impact on academic and personal development. Maintaining and improving literacy skills, fighting the summer slide and continuing to foster a love of reading in students are just some of the benefits explored here! Plus check out our top 10 recommended reading lists!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

How to encourage a growth mindset in your student, and why you should!

As a parent or guardian, one of the most effective ways to help your child or student achieve their goals in school and in life is to encourage a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work, dedication, and persistence. Read on to learn about some of the many benefits of a growth mindset and how you can help your student nurture one!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Transitioning to secondary school or A-Levels

Transitioning from primary school to secondary school or entering the world of A-Levels can be an exciting and challenging time for students and parents alike. The new environment, increased academic demands, and unfamiliar routines can create a mix of emotions. However, with proper guidance and support, this transition can be a smooth and successful journey!

In this blog, we will provide advice to help students navigate the transition and offer tips for parents to support their students during this important phase.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Supporting your student’s mental health during exam season

Exam season can be a stressful time for many students, and it's important for parents and others supporting students to be able to recognise the signs of mental health issues and help them through it. In this blog, we'll explore some of the key ways you can support your student’s mental health during exam season, and prioritise their wellbeing.

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

We’re planting trees for Earth Month!

At EduBridge Tutoring, we're passionate about having a lasting positive impact on our students’ education, and on the world around us. That's why we chose to partner with One Tree Planted and plant a tree for every student that joins us, and it’s why we’ve chosen to further support their reforestation efforts through our fundraiser.

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Education Brendan Taylor Education Brendan Taylor

Understanding the different paths your student can take after their GCSEs

As your student approaches the end of their GCSEs, you may be wondering what the next steps may be for their education. The good news is that there are a wide variety of options and opportunities available for your student to pursue, depending on their individual interests and future goals.

Read on for an overview of what your student can do after finishing their GCSEs, and our top tips on supporting them in making their choice:

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

Top revision tips from us and our expert tutors!

Exam season is fast approaching, and we know that revision can seem daunting! That’s why we’ve asked our team and our brilliant tutors for their best revision tips and techniques to help you or your student prepare for success in their upcoming exams!

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Brendan Taylor Brendan Taylor

What you need to know about the GCSEs

In this blog, we will provide you with an overview of the GCSE exams and their grading system to help you feel confident to support with your student's preparation. 

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