Top revision tips from us and our expert tutors!

Exam season is fast approaching, and we know that revision can seem daunting! That’s why we’ve asked our team and our brilliant tutors for their best revision tips and techniques to help you or your student prepare for success! 

Our team say:

  • Give yourself time - don’t leave it too late to start your revision, save yourself the stress and start with plenty of time before your exam! 

  • Get rid of distractions whilst you revise - switch off from your phone, social media and TV. Try and find a quiet space to focus instead. 

  • Break up your revision time - taking breaks is really important to ensure you can do productive revision over a longer period of time. Try a method like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves breaking your time into 25 minutes of focused revision, followed by a 5 minute break, followed by another 25 minutes of focus and so on. 

  • Use food and drink to help you - hydrate with water, make sure you’re getting enough zinc, which helps maintain a healthy immune system and wholegrains which will help balance your mood and concentration. Also, make sure you get enough sleep each night, as being tired will really impact your ability to revise. 

  • Make sure to speak to someone if you’re feeling stressed! It’s important to get support when you need, so if you’re feeling the pressure speak to someone at home or at school and see how they can support you. 

Our tutors say: 

  • ‘Make a revision timetable split into each subject, and then into each topic, so you can feel confident you’re spending enough time on each one and not missing anything. Prioritise areas you already know you’re less confident with’ - Jack 

  • ‘Try different revision techniques: notes, diagrams, teaching someone else, cover and check, flash cards. Find what works best for you - it might be a combination’ - Will 

  • ‘Don’t just learn the content, learn key techniques for answering different types of question’ - Millie 

  • ‘Check which exam board your school is using and find the exam board website, then locate your course and print off the exam specification. Then you can go through each of the topics listed, paying particular focus on the ones you’re less confident with, and make sure you’ve not forgotten any. When on the exam board website, you can also find practice papers and mark schemes. You can use this to understand what examiners are looking for in the different exam answers’ - Sophie

For more information and support, speak to our team today and find out how we can help you or your student best prepare for this year’s exams!


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