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Supporting your student’s mental health during exam season

  1. Recognise the signs of mental health problems

It's important to be able to recognise the signs and indications of mental health issues in your student. These can include changes in mood or behaviour, increased irritability, difficulty sleeping or eating, and a lack of interest in activities they used to enjoy. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to talk openly with your student and seek professional support if necessary. You can find more information on when more support may be necessary here.

2. Encourage your student to talk about their feelings, and be there to listen

Encourage your student to talk about their feelings and concerns about exams. Let them know that it's okay to feel stressed or anxious and that they don't have to go through it alone. Listen to their concerns and provide support and encouragement. Use this guide to help you talk to your student about their mental health.

3. Create a calm and supportive environment

Work to create a calm and supportive environment at home during exam season. Encourage your student to take breaks and engage in relaxing activities such as exercise or meditation. Make sure they are getting enough sleep and eating well to support their physical and mental health. See our blog for more top tips during revision.

4. Help your student develop coping strategies

Encourage your student to develop and use coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety. This can include deep breathing, visualisation, or journaling amongst other things. You can also suggest seeking professional support, such as counselling or therapy, if necessary. Find more information on how to find counselling or a therapist here.

5. Celebrate achievements and progress

Celebrate your student's achievements and progress, no matter how big or small. This can help boost their confidence and motivation, and remind them that their efforts are valued, especially by you. It also helps them to foster a mindset for celebrating their own achievements. 

Supporting your child or student’s mental health during exam season is particularly important for their overall wellbeing and success. By recognising the signs of mental health problems, encouraging your child to talk about their feelings, creating a calm and supportive environment, helping them develop coping strategies, and celebrating their achievements and progress, you can help your student navigate this challenging time and achieve their full potential!